The History of Concrete Las Vegas

Did you know that concrete is used more than any other man-made material in the world?  As of 2006, there is one cubic meter of concrete made for every person on earth, which comes out to 7.5 cubic kilometers, every year .   That’s a whole lot of concrete to make every year!  It is also a $35 billion dollar industry, employing more than 2 million workers in the United States alone.

The first major concrete users were the Egyptians in around 2,500 BC and the Romans from 300 BC.   Think of the pyramids at Giza, the Roman Baths at Caracalla, the Roman aqueducts and the Pantheon.  The fact  that so many of these structures are still standing today are a testament to the level of technological advancement the Romans enjoyed.  Roman concrete, also known as opus caementicium was made from quicklime, pozzolona, and an aggregate of pumice.  In fact, the Romans are responsible for being remembered in the annals of architectural history as the Roman Architectural Revolution.

The History of Concrete Las Vegas

Concrete has been around for a long time and the use of it will probably never go away, barring, of course, some future technological advancements.  Concrete helped build this civilization, and all of the great cities of the world today, Las Vegas being one of them.  If you are interested in concrete, or need more information about concrete Las Vegas, contact J and J Asphalt today.

The History of Concrete Las Vegas

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